
dare to lead program

The Importance of Compassion in Leadership

The Importance of Compassion in Leadership

Compassion is essential in leadership and in building high performance cultures because it allows for perspective and understanding. Leaders who are compassionate can put themselves in the shoes of their followers and understand their needs. This empathy builds trust and connection, which are essential for effective leadership. Compassion also allows leaders to be more forgiving, which can prevent negative feelings and conflict from festering. Compassionate leaders know how to motivate and inspire their team members, as they can see the potential in everyone. Ultimately, compassion makes leaders more effective at achieving their goals by creating a harmonious and supportive team environment.

Compassionate Leaders View Mistakes as Opportunities for Growth

Forgiveness is needed in leadership to maintain relationships with others. As leaders, you are often put in difficult positions and may need to make tough decisions that can impact people’s lives. In order to maintain trust and respect, it is important for you to be compassionate and forgive others when they make mistakes. This allows people to feel safe and comfortable working with you, knowing that they can admit wrongdoing and that they will not be punished or held accountable forever. Forgiveness also shows that you care about the well-being of your team and are willing to work through disagreements and issues in a constructive way.

When mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth, everyone involved can learn and improve. You can help their team members learn from their mistakes by providing feedback that is constructive and helpful. This type of feedback will encourage team members to reflect on what they did wrong and how they can do better next time. In addition, you can model compassion and forgiveness by accepting mistakes graciously and moving on. This will show team members that it is okay to make mistakes and that you are committed to furthering their development. To do this, strong communication skills are needed. Leaders must be able to listen to team members, understand their feelings, and provide support. Ultimately, viewing mistakes as opportunities for growth can help create a more positive and productive work environment.

Compassionate Leaders Value Individuality

Leaders who value individuality understand that everyone is different and that this should be embraced. They know that in order to get the most out of their team, they need to allow each member to be themselves and contribute in their own way. This can be difficult, as it requires a lot of trust and openness, but the results are worth it. By encouraging individuality, you are more likely to have creative, productive teams that feel appreciated and supported. A human centred approach to leadership allows for connection and collaboration, which are essential for any organisation to succeed.

A compassionate leadership style is not about being soft or weak. The ability to see the best in people can be one of the greatest strengths of leadership. Leaders who are able to be compassionate are also able to be firm when necessary. They know when to give support and when to give criticism. In a high performance culture, it is important that leaders develop both skills. Compassionate leaders recognise the humanity in all of us. They understand that we all have our own stories, experiences and perspectives. They are curious about others and want to learn from them. This creates a sense of partnership and mutual respect, which are essential for increasing employee engagement and creating high performance cultures.

“Great leaders understand that we all have our own stories, experiences and perspectives. They are curious about others and want to learn from them.”

Compassionate Leadership Reduces Stress for All Employees

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for employees to feel overwhelmed and stressed. This can lead to decreased productivity and engagement, as well as increased absenteeism. That’s why it’s so important for effective leaders to create a work environment that is supportive and positive. One way to do this is by being compassionate towards employees.

Compassionate leadership is essential for reducing stress for all employees. When leaders are compassionate, they take the time to understand the individual needs of their employees and work to create a positive work environment. This can lead to decreased stress levels for employees, as they feel appreciated and supported. In high performance cultures, it’s essential you demonstrate concern for the well-being of their teams. Leadership development training can provide the tools needed to create a human centred culture. This leads to happier employees, which often results in lower healthcare costs and fewer missed days of work. So, not only does compassionate leadership improve morale, it also increases retention.

Compassionate Leaders Motivate and Inspire

When it comes to employee engagement, motivation and inspiration are two key factors that contribute to it. Employees who feel motivated and inspired are more likely to be engaged in their work, and they are also more likely to be productive and innovative. This is because when employees feel motivated, they are driven to achieve their goals, and when they feel inspired, they are energised and driven to come up with new ideas.

One of the supplemental benefits of demonstrating compassion to your employees is that it will also lead to higher levels of motivation and success. This is needed in any high performance culture because in order for an individual to maintain high performance, they need to feel a sense of purpose. A compassionate leader can provide this needed feeling of purpose by communicating a clear vision and mission for the organisation, and by demonstrating care and concern for employees.

To be an effective leader, you must be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes and understand their point of view. This requires empathy and compassion. If you can’t see things from another person’s perspective, you’ll have a hard time connecting with them and motivating them to achieve common goals.

Compassion is a necessary part of leadership development and is essential for creating a positive work environment, reducing stress levels for employees and increasing employee engagement. Leaders who are compassionate also motivate and inspire their employees to be productive and innovative. In order to be an effective leader, you must first develop the ability to empathise and understand others. This requires compassion. So, if you want to become a better leader and build a high performance culture within your organisation, start by being more compassionate towards those around you.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

The Importance of Compassion in Leadership

human centred leaders

Being a Human Centred Leader

Being a Human Centred Leader

In order to be an effective leader, it’s important to have a deep understanding of human nature. After all, it is people who make up organisations, and people are not always rational or predictable. In order to create a positive and productive work environment, it’s essential to understand the motivations and needs of the people you’re leading.

People first leadership is essential for creating a positive and productive work environment. Human centred leadership starts with putting people first, valuing their contributions, and listening to their ideas. It’s also about being authentic and genuine, and treating people with respect and consideration. By doing this, you can create a positive and productive work environment that is centred around people rather than profits.

In a world that is becoming increasingly digitised and automated, it’s more important than ever to lead with humanity. Here are a few ways to do so:

Be Authentic and Transparent

People can sense when you’re being inauthentic, and it will only undermine your credibility as a leader. Share your values with your team and act in accordance with them. In doing so, your team develops a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader and what you stand for.

Authentic leadership is about being genuine in your interactions with others. It means behaving in a way that is true to yourself, and being open and honest with your team. By setting this example, you encourage your team to do the same. This type of communication creates a more positive and effective work environment.

Show Empathy and Connect with Your Team

Your team will be more engaged and motivated if they feel like you understand and care about them as people. Leadership development training can help leaders and managers to create an environment in which everyone feels valued. Take the time to get to know your team members, and show them that you care about their lives outside of work.

When it comes to empathy in human centred leadership it’s all about understanding your team members as people. This will help build mutual trust and create a more engaged and motivated team. This will also help you to become more effective in building an adaptive leadership style, as you will know what makes your team members tick.

Be Supportive

Your team will need your support to reach their full potential. Offer encouragement and praise when they do well, and be there for them when things get tough. Showing that you care about their success will help them feel motivated and appreciated, and ultimately make them more likely to stick with the team in the long run.

It’s important to be there for them both mentally and emotionally. Developing leadership skills that focus on emotional intelligence can help you better understand and support your team. This can lead to a more positive organisational culture, where people feel appreciated and supported. Senior leaders with strong emotional intelligence skills are also better able to manage difficult conversations, provide constructive feedback, and resolve conflict effectively.

“Your employees are your organisation’s and brand’s greatest ambassadors. Creating a nurturing and positive organisational culture helps you to affect real change by involving team members at every level.”

Be a Role Model

You can’t expect your team to follow your lead if you’re not setting a good example. Be the kind of leader you want them to be, and lead by example in everything you do. If you want your team to be honest, act with integrity. If you want them to be hardworking, lead by example and put in the extra effort yourself. Your team will take their cue from you, so make sure you’re setting a good example in everything you do.

Being a role model is one of the most important skills you can have as a leader. It is important that leadership development training programs focus on this skill, as it is essential for setting the right tone for the team. When you lead by example, you show your team that you are committed to the same goals and values that they are. This creates a sense of unity and purpose within teams.

Stay Curious

One of the most important aspects of adaptive leadership is the ability to remain curious and not assume that you hold all of the answers. Leaders who are curious are always learning and looking for new ways to improve their team. They are always exploring new ideas and trying to understand the world around them. This curiosity helps them stay open-minded and innovative, which is essential for leading in today’s rapidly changing world.

Being curious also allows leaders to connect with their team members on a deeper level. Learning about the lives and aspirations of the people in your team allows you to leverage their collective knowledge and ideas. It also opens opportunities to further their development and engage them in a training program. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and lead your team to success.

Be Self-Aware

Leaders who are self-aware know their strengths and weaknesses, and are able to openly acknowledge them. They are also able to understand their own emotions and how they’re affecting their behaviour. This enables them to manage their reactions better, and ultimately leads to more constructive interactions with their team members.

It allows leaders to be more mindful of their actions. When leaders are aware of their own emotions, they can better understand how they’re impacting others. It can also help them to recognise when the emotions of others are affecting their behaviour and allow them to extend empathy with them. Adaptive leaders who are self-aware make better decisions, have stronger relationships with their team members, and are ultimately more successful. If you’re looking to further your leadership development training, then self-awareness should be one of your top priorities.

Organisations that cultivate and promote a people first environment often reap the benefits of a more engaged, motivated and productive workforce. Your employees are your organisation’s and brand’s greatest ambassadors. A large portion of your credibility will stem from the way your employees speak about the company. Creating a nurturing and positive organisational culture helps you to affect real change by involving team members at every level. Adaptive leadership that focuses on human centred values will go a long way in promoting a healthy, happy and thriving workplace. You will see high rates of retention and advocacy from your employees when you lead with humanity.

If you want to learn more about human-centred leadership and how The Leadership Sphere can help you to develop your leadership skills, contact us today. We offer a range of services, including executive coaching, team development, and leadership development training. We can help you to create a more positive work environment and to develop the skills you need to be a successful leader.

Being a Human Centred Leader

Human Centred Leadership

5 Characteristics of Human Centred Leadership

5 Characteristics of Human Centred Leadership

In order to be an effective leader, it is important to have a deep understanding of human nature. Leaders who are able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective are more successful than those who do not.  Leaders who are human centred are also more effective at motivating and inspiring others.

Purpose is Aligned Throughout the Organisation

When an organisation puts people at the centre, everyone is working together to achieve common goals. This happens when business objectives, capabilities, and customer needs all come together. Purpose alignment is especially important for human centred leadership. When leaders are able to align their decisions with the organisation’s purpose, it creates a sense of unity and common goal among employees. This makes it easier for employees to understand what they’re working towards and gives them a sense of ownership in the company. When employees feel like they’re part of something larger than themselves, they’re more likely to be productive and engaged in their work.

When it comes to senior leadership training, one of the most important things to focus on is purpose alignment. This means that leaders need to be able to understand and articulate the organisation’s purpose in a way that everyone else can understand and buy into. Leaders also need to be able to create strategies and make decisions that support the organisation’s purpose.

Value Diversity

Where the alignment of an organisation’s purpose promotes unity and focus, it is equally important to recognise that each member of a team or organisation is an individual. No two people will be motivated in the exact same way. Different people will react to different things more readily, have varied emotional responses, and based on their individual perspectives, they will see and experience the world in unique ways. The organisation’s leaders must be aware that from different people’s points of view, the route to the set destination can look very different. Drawing on diverse opinions, can allow you to view challenges from a range of perspectives , and as such, develop more effective solutions.

It is important to create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their honest perspectives, without fear of judgement or reprisal. This way, you can tap into the collective wisdom of your team and make better decisions. Assessment and profiling tools can be useful in identifying the unique strengths and weaknesses of each team member. This information can then be used to create more effective teams, by matching people with complementary skill sets.

Encourage Autonomy

The key to encouraging autonomy is trust. Leaders need to trust that their employees are capable of doing their jobs well, even when they’re given the freedom to do things their own way. This can be a difficult thing for leaders to do, but is often one of the greatest strengths of leadership. It’s important to remember that when you trust your employees, they’re more likely to trust you.

Encouraging autonomy doesn’t mean that you need to let people do whatever they want, whenever they want. Rather, it’s about giving people the freedom to choose how they work best. This might mean letting them set their own schedules, work from home, or take on new projects that interest them. It’s about giving people the space to be creative and explore new ideas.

“Developing leadership skills that focus on how you interact with others allow you to build relationships, resolve conflict, and create a positive work environment.”

Make Development a Priority

One of the most important things that human centred leadership does is focus on development. This means that leaders are always looking for ways to help their employees grow and develop their skills. They’re always looking for new opportunities for their employees to learn and expand their abilities.

Leadership assessment tools provide insights into an individual’s development needs. This information can then be used to create development plans that target those specific needs. One of the best ways to develop your employees is to give them opportunities to lead. This might mean letting them take on new projects, giving them more responsibility, or sending them to leadership training courses. Leaders need to trust their employees enough to let them step up and take on new challenges.

Focus on Building Soft Skills

One of the most important things that human centred leadership does is focus on developing soft skills. These are the skills that allow us to interact effectively with other people. They include communication, empathy, vulnerability, and compassion, among others.

Soft skills are often seen as secondary to hard skills, but they’re actually just as important, if not more so. Hard skills are those that you need to do your job, but soft skills are the skills that you need to interact effectively with other people. Developing leadership skills that focus on how you interact with others allow you to build relationships, resolve conflict, and create a positive work environment.

Leaders need to focus on the development of their own soft skills, as well as their employees’. This can be done through training, coaching, and mentorship. It’s also important to create an environment that encourages the development of soft skills. This might mean having regular team meetings where people can share their thoughts and feelings openly, or creating a policy of open communication.

Human centred leadership is all about putting people first. It’s about focusing on the needs of your employees. Leadership assessment tools can help to identify their areas of growth and development. It’s about creating a positive work environment where people feel valued and respected. If you want to be a successful leader, these are the things that you need to focus on.

In order to create a model of human centricity, leaders within the organisation must first understand the importance of purpose alignment and diversity. They must also be aware of the value of autonomy and trust. Once these things are understood, leaders can begin to put into place systems and structures that encourage and support human centredness. The goal is to create an environment where employees feel like they can be themselves, contribute their best ideas, and work towards a common goal. When this happens, the organisation as a whole becomes more effective and productive.

If you want to learn more about human-centred leadership and how The Leadership Sphere can help you to develop your leadership skills, contact us today. We offer a range of services, including executive coaching, team development, and leadership development training. We can help you to create a more positive work environment and to develop the skills you need to be a successful leader.

5 Characteristics of Human Centred Leadership

dare to lead

The Case for Human Centred Leadership

The Case for Human Centred Leadership

As we approach the end of the year, it is a good time to reflect and check-in with yourself and your team. Are you people centric in your leadership? Do you make decisions that always have the people you work with top of mind? If not, it may be time to realign your leadership style to be more human centred.

There are many benefits to leading with a people focus. Leaders should commit to creating a culture in which everyone may thrive, develop, and continuously innovate by fostering an environment where every employee can contribute their ideas, creativity, and passion. Below are three key benefits of senior leadership training that takes a human centred approach:

Improved Workplace Culture

organisation. Leaders set the tone and if they prioritise their team’s wellbeing, it will flow down throughout the company. A human centred leadership style can improve workplace culture by:

  • Encouraging employees to share their ideas and suggestions
  • Fostering a collaborative environment
  • Valuing employee feedback
  • Empowering employees to take initiative
  • Creating open communication channels

In a recent case study, Senior Project Manager at Down Syndrome Victoria, Madison Robinson spoke with us about their commitment to create a human centred leadership team and culture. The establishment of their Advisory Network ensures that the voices of people with Down syndrome are represented and that they are leaders within their organisation.

“Particularly with the work that I do…you can see the impact that you make in the community that you’re working alongside. And to see how the things that I’ve learnt in Dare to Lead™ that I can then implement in my workplace and then for other people to try and use. You can see the flow on effect that it has for people in our community.”

– Madison Robinson, Senior Project Manager, Down Syndrome Victoria

Enhanced Employee Engagement & Motivation

Engaged and motivated employees are key to any organisation’s success. Human centred leadership can enhance team engagement and motivation by:

  • Giving employees a sense of ownership and responsibility
  • Encouraging professional development
  • Recognizing and rewarding employees for their achievements
  • Supporting work/life balance

Increased Productivity & Innovation

A human centred leadership approach can lead to increased productivity as it allows employees to feel valued, appreciated, and supported. When employees feel good about their work, they are more likely to be productive. Embracing human centred leadership can increase productivity by:

  • Encouraging creativity and innovation
  • Fostering a positive work environment
  • Providing clear expectations and objectives
  • Giving employees the resources they need to be successful

Executive coaching is a powerful tool that can support leaders in their journey to becoming more human centred. Executive leadership development can provide leaders with the guidance, feedback, and accountability they need to enhance their skills and behaviours. Coaching benefits senior leaders, their team, and their organisation by helping them to create a more positive, productive, and innovative work environment.

Leadership is hard. But it doesn’t have to be difficult if you remember that at its heart, leadership is about serving others. Leaders who put their people first will always find themselves in a better position to achieve their goals. If you want to be a successful leader, focus on developing empathy and compassion for those around you. Remember that we all have different strengths and weaknesses – try not to judge others based on your own standards. Instead, work on building relationships with your team members so that you can help them grow into their best selves.

If you want to learn more about human centred leadership and how The Leadership Sphere can help you to develop your leadership skills, contact us today. We offer a range of services, including executive coaching, team development, and leadership development training. We can help you to create a more positive work environment and to develop the skills you need to be a successful leader.

The Case for Human Centred Leadership

human centred leadership

How Human Centred Leadership Improves Performance

How Human Centred Leadership Improves Performance

In order to be an effective leader, you need to understand how humans work. That’s where human centred leadership comes in. It takes into account the way people think, feel and behave, as well as the unique dynamics of teams and organisations. When leaders focus on the people instead of the process, they create a more positive and productive work environment.

People not Profits

The goal of every organisation is to be financially successful. But in order to achieve this, leaders need to focus on more than just the bottom line. There is an often quoted phrase when a company experiences a higher than average turnover rate. That is, that ‘people leave managers, not positions.’

This simple, yet powerful statement summarises the importance of taking a human centred approach to leading teams and organisations. What the phrase really brings into focus is the need for leaders to create an environment where people feel valued, respected and motivated.

High performance teams are only as good as their weakest link. And that weak link is often a result of poor leadership. If employees feel like they are nothing more than a cog in a machine, they will quickly become disengaged and unmotivated. Human centred leaders know that in order to get the best out of people, they need to focus on their needs and development.

What Sets Human Centred Leaders Apart?

When it comes to developing leadership skills, what often gets overlooked are the soft skills that make great leaders stand apart from the rest. These are the leaders who are able to inspire their teams and keep them motivated throughout times of uncertainty and change.

“Having a human centred culture requires that leaders make it possible for others to show up as their authentic selves.”


Having a human centred culture requires that leaders make it possible for others to show up as their authentic selves. Leaders must be willing to be vulnerable in order to allow this to happen. They must make it clear that to their teams that they are fallible humans just like them. Only then will they be able to gain the trust of their teams and earn their respect.


Human centred leaders are able to build trust and rapport with their team members. They create an environment where people feel safe to take risks, experiment and fail. These leaders know that it’s not about them, it’s about the people they are leading. They are always looking for opportunities to improve high performance team development.


One of the most important qualities of human centred leaders is their ability to communicate effectively. They are able to share their vision in a way that inspires people to buy into it. They also know how to give feedback in a way that is constructive and motivating.

If you want to be a successful leader, it’s time to start thinking about your people and cultivating a human centred culture. A leadership training program can help you develop the skills you need to be a human centred leader. When you focus on your team’s development and create a positive work environment, you will see improved performance across the board.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a human centred approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How Human Centred Leadership Improves Performance

high performance team

How to Lead High Performance Teams with Humanity

How to Lead High Performance Teams with Humanity

Leading high performance teams is a difficult task. It’s made even more difficult by the fact that most people try to do it in an inhuman way. They rely on commands, threats, and punishment instead of trust, respect, and common goals. As a result, they get lacklustre results at best.

But there is another way. You can lead high performance teams with humanity. By treating your team members like human beings with feelings and needs, you create an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing their best ideas. The result is a team that works together effortlessly to achieve common goals.

Human centred development starts with the premise that everyone has something to offer, and that everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute their best ideas. It’s a collaborative approach that puts the focus on the team rather than the individual. And it’s been shown to produce better results than traditional management techniques.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Communicate clearly and often

Your team members need to know what you expect from them and why it matters. They also need to understand the goals of the team and how their individual work fits into the bigger picture. Keep your communications clear, concise, and frequent to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Encourage open communication

The best ideas come from collaboration and discussion. Encourage your team members to share their ideas openly, without fear of criticism. Engaging in a leadership training course can help you to create an environment for your team where it’s safe to experiment and fail. When team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, they’ll be more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems.

“By taking a human centred approach to leadership, you can create high performance teams that are motivated, creative, and productive.”

3. Respect individual differences

Your team members are all unique individuals with their own skills, strengths, and weaknesses. It’s important to respect these differences and play to each person’s strengths. The best high performance team programs create a more comprehensive understanding of each team member that leads to more successful collaboration.

4. Encourage and reward creativity

Innovation is key to success in any field. Encourage your team members to be creative in their approach to work, and reward them when they come up with new and better ideas. This will foster a culture of innovation and creativity that will benefit the entire team.

5. Show appreciation

Your team members need to know that you appreciate their hard work. Showing appreciation is one of the most powerful motivators, so make sure to thank your team members often. A simple “thank you” can go a long way towards making someone feel valued and appreciated.

By taking a human centred approach to leadership, you can create high performance teams that are motivated, creative, and productive. This type of leadership skill development is important for helping leaders better understand their people. It enables leaders to create more effective plans and strategies. In treating your team members like human beings and respecting their individual differences, you’ll create an environment where everyone can do their best work. The result will be a team that’s more successful, productive, and cohesive.

If you want to learn more about human centred leadership and how The Leadership Sphere can help you to develop your leadership skills, contact us today. We offer a range of services, including executive coaching, team development, and leadership development training. We can help you to create a more positive work environment and to develop the skills you need to be a successful leader.

How to Lead High Performance Teams with Humanity

How to Keep High Performance Teams Motivated

How to Keep High Performance Teams Motivated

High performance teams are a hot commodity in the business world today. But keeping them motivated and on track can be a challenge for even the most experienced managers. In order to keep your team at the top of their game, it is important to understand what motivates them and how to best work with their individual personalities. Luckily, there are many leadership assessment and profiling tools available that can help you do just that. By taking the time to understand your team members’ motivations and preferences, you can create an environment where they will thrive and produce their best work.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

High performance teams need to know what they’re working towards. Make sure your team knows what the goals are and what success looks like. Leadership development programs can help leaders become more effective at setting expectations. Programs like these can help leaders learn how to create a clear vision for their team, and how to communicate the expectations to their team members. Leaders who complete such programs often find that they are better able to engage and motivate employees, leading to improved work performance overall.

Encourage and Reward Innovation

In order to stay ahead of the competition, organizations need to encourage innovation. One way to do this is to reward employees who come up with new ideas that improve work processes or create efficiencies. This could be done through a bonus system, or through recognition from senior leadership. Either way, it’s important to let your team know that you value innovation and creativity.

“Leaders who are able to effectively involve team members in decision-making often find that they are more engaged and motivated, leading to improved work performance.”

Invest in Training and Development

High performing teams need to be constantly learning and evolving. Leadership assessment tools can also be used to identify areas where team members need further development. Provide opportunities for your team members to attend leadership training courses, or to participate in development programs. By investing in your team’s growth, you’re showing that you value their work and their potential.

Include Teams in Decision Making

In order to maintain high performance, it’s important to include team members in the decision-making process. This will help them feel like they are a part of the team, and that their opinions matter. It will also give them a sense of ownership over the work that they’re doing, which is integral as part of developing leadership skills training. Leaders who are able to effectively involve team members in decision-making often find that they are more engaged and motivated, leading to improved work performance.

If you want your team to be successful, invest in getting to know them on a personal level so that you can figure out how best to motivate them. The best leadership assessment tools will help you do just that. Use what you learn to create an environment where your team can thrive, and watch as their performance improves.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How to Keep High Performance Teams Motivated

high performance team

How to Spot a High Performance Team

How to Spot a High Performance Team

High performance teams are those that achieve extraordinary results. They are able to consistently outperform their peers and competitors. While there is no single formula for creating a high performance team, there are certain characteristics that are common among them. In this article, we will explore some of the key features of high performance teams and offer tips for developing leadership capabilities within your organisation.

So, how can you spot a high performance team? Here are few things to look for:

1. A Clear and Shared Vision

Shared vision is important for high performance team development because it allows everyone to be on the same page. When everyone is working towards the same goal, it makes it easier to achieve success. Additionally, a shared vision can help develop leadership capabilities within an organisation. By working towards a common goal, individuals can learn how to lead and motivate others.

2. Defined Roles and Responsibilities

It’s important that everyone on the team knows their role and what is expected of them. Senior leadership development can create role clarity within an organisation, which can make it easier for teams to achieve success. When everyone knows their role and what is expected of them, it makes it easier for them to work together towards a common goal. This can help to improve productivity and teamwork.

“Senior leadership development can create role clarity within an organisation, which can make it easier for teams to achieve success.”

3. Open Communication

There should be open lines of communication between all members of the team. This way, everyone is aware of what is happening and can offer their input when needed.  Open communication can help to improve teamwork and make it easier for the team to resolve conflicts.

4. A Focus on Results

A high performance team is focused on achieving results. This means that they are constantly working to improve their processes and procedures in order to be more efficient and effective. Additionally, a results-focused team is always looking for ways to improve their performance. This can help to create a culture of excellence within an organisation.

5. A Positive Attitude

One of the advantages of high performance team programs is they often contribute to creating a positive organisational culture. When employees are positive and motivated, they are more likely to work hard and be productive. A positive culture can help to improve teamwork and make it easier for teams to resolve conflicts.

If you spot these signs, then you’re likely dealing with a high performance team. High performance team programs can be useful as part of your organisation’s development strategy. These teams are essential to any organisation and can provide a number of benefits.  If you want to give your business a competitive edge, make sure you have a high performance team in place.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How to Spot a High Performance Team

high performance team

The Leadership Strategies that High Performance Teams Use

The Leadership Strategies that High Performance Teams Use

High performance teams are a vital part of any organization. They are the ones who set the tone, achieve the goals, and make things happen. And while many people think that being in a high performance team is all about individual talent, it’s actually about something else entirely.

What makes a high performance team? It’s not just individual talent, but rather a combination of factors that work together to create an environment where everyone can thrive. One of the most important aspects of this is having a strong leader who can set the vision and guide the team to success.

Leadership development is essential for any high performance team. Without strong leadership, a team will quickly fall apart. A good leader knows how to motivate and inspire their team members to do their best work. They also know how to set clear goals and provide direction when things get tough. If a team doesn’t have a strong leader, they will quickly fall apart. To do this, they also need strong leadership. Great leaders help to create an environment where everyone can thrive and achieve their goals.

Here are five leadership strategies that high performance teams use:

Establish High Levels of Trust

Trust is essential for any high performance team. Without it, team members will be hesitant to take risks and will be less likely to collaborate. The best high performance team programs will help to establish trust among team members. This can be done through team building exercises, trust-building activities, and by providing a safe environment where team members can share their ideas.

When team members trust each other, they are more likely to take risks and collaborate. They also feel more comfortable discussing problems and solutions. This helps to build a strong team dynamic, and allows the team to work more effectively together. Establishing trust is essential for any high performance team. Creating an environment where trust can flourish is vital to high performance team development.

Encourage Diversity

Diversity is another key factor in high performance culture and teams. When team members come from different backgrounds and have different experiences, they are able to contribute more ideas and solutions. This helps the team to be more innovative and creative. Additionally, diversity can help to reduce conflict and create a more positive team dynamic.

When teams are made up of different people, it can be difficult for them to agree on everything. However, this can also be a strength. By having different viewpoints, the team can come up with more innovative solutions. Additionally, when team members disagree it can actually lead to a more productive discussion. This is because everyone is taking part in the debate and is willing to listen to each other’s viewpoints. Diversity is essential for any high performance team as it allows them to be more innovative and creative.

“When team members come from different backgrounds and have different experiences, they are able to contribute more ideas and solutions.”

Set Clear Goals

It’s important for leaders to set clear goals for their teams. When everyone knows what they are working towards, they are able to focus their efforts and achieve better results. A good leader will help to keep the team focused on their goals and will provide direction when things get tough.

Clear goals also help to motivate team members. When they know what they are working towards, they are more likely to put in the extra effort needed to achieve success. Having clear goals gives the team something to strive for and helps them stay motivated during difficult times. Leaders who set clear goals are essential for any high performance team. They help the team stay focused on their goals and provide direction when things get tough.

Encourage Experimentation and Innovation

High performing teams are always looking for ways to improve their performance. This means that they are willing to experiment with new ideas and methods in order to find solutions that work best for them. A good leader will encourage their team to experiment and be open to new ideas. They will also provide the resources and support needed for experimentation.

Encouraging experimentation helps the team to find new and innovative ways to improve their performance. It also allows them to take risks and try new things. When team members feel like they are able to experiment and be creative, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. Leaders who encourage experimentation and innovation are essential for any high performance team. They help the team find new ways to improve their performance and take risks.

Provide Support and Resources

A good leader will provide their team with the support and resources they need to be successful. This includes things like training, development opportunities, and access to information. Additionally, a good leader will provide emotional support to their team members. They will be there for them during tough times and will help them to overcome challenges.

When team members feel supported by their leader, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. They also feel more confident and are more likely to take risks. Leaders who provide the necessary resources help the team to be successful and feel supported during tough times.

The strategies that high performance teams use are essential for their success. Leaders who set clear goals, encourage diversity, and encourage experimentation are essential for any high performance team. These strategies help the team to be more innovative, creative, and engaged. A developing leadership skills course can help leaders to leverage their talents to ensure their teams are supported and motivated.  If you want your team to be successful, use these strategies to help them reach their full potential.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

The Leadership Strategies that High Performance Teams Use

leadership skills training program.

How to be a Successful Leader

How to be a Successful Leader

Leadership is a critical factor in team performance. A good leader can motivate and engage team members, resulting in high productivity and success. However, many teams struggle with poor leadership, which can lead to low morale, disengagement, and even failure. In order to be successful, teams need effective leadership that can provide guidance and support while also empowering team members to take ownership of their work.

Engaging in leadership training can help you to become a more effective leader. By developing your leadership skills, you can learn how to better motivate and inspire your team. You can also learn how to better handle conflict and solve problems. Ultimately, leadership development can help you to become a more well-rounded and successful leader.

Encourage Personal & Professional Growth

Encouraging personal and professional growth is an important part of being a successful leader. Leaders should strive to create a positive, supportive environment in which team members feel free to take risks and grow their skills. One way to do this is by providing opportunities for learning and development. Providing developing leadership skills training, mentorship opportunities, and other resources help team members grow as professionals. In addition, leaders should be encouraging and supportive of personal growth as well. Team members should feel free to explore their interests and passions, and leaders should provide guidance and support as needed. By encouraging personal and professional growth, leaders can help team members reach their full potential and contribute to the success of the team.

Communicate Effectively

The ability to communicate effectively is essential for building strong relationships and creating a productive work environment. When team members are able to communicate openly and honestly with each other, it leads to greater collaboration and performance. Effective communication helps team members resolve conflicts and misunderstandings quickly, which minimizes distractions and allows them to focus on their work. 

Leadership development training can help improve communication in several ways. This includes understanding the best way to deliver information, listening actively, and using positive communication techniques. Leaders can also learn how to resolve conflicts and handle difficult conversations. By learning these skills, leaders can create a more productive and positive work environment in which team members feel free to communicate openly and honestly. In addition, a leadership development program  can help team members learn how to better communicate with each other. This includes understanding different communication styles, resolving conflicts, and effective problem-solving. By improving communication within the team, leaders can help the team work more collaboratively and achieve greater success.

“When leaders understand their core values and act in accordance with them, it builds trust among team members.”

Act with Integrity

One of the most important aspects of being a successful leader is acting with integrity. Leaders should always behave in a way that is honest and ethical, and they should be role models for integrity and honesty. The best leadership training courses help participants understand their core values and how to act in accordance with them.

When leaders understand their core values and act in accordance with them, it builds trust among team members. In addition, it sends a message that the leader values honesty and integrity, which can inspire team members to act with integrity as well. By acting with integrity, leaders can create a culture of trust and respect within the team that leads to greater productivity and success.

Successful leadership is about more than just giving orders and expecting team members to follow. It’s about creating a positive, supportive environment in which team members feel free to take risks and grow their skills. Undergoing leadership development can help hone your skills so that you’re able to better lead others. It can also give you a better understanding of what it takes to be an effective leader. Leaders should strive to communicate effectively and lead by example, acting with integrity at all times. By following these tips, leaders can help teams achieve greater success.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How to be a Successful Leader

executive coaching

Why High Performance Teams Need Coaching

Why High Performance Teams Need Coaching

Senior executive coaching is needed in high performance teams because it helps individuals and the team as a whole achieve their goals. Executive coaching can help individuals learn new skills, develop strategies, and improve their performance. Coaching can also help teams stay focused on their goals and work together effectively. Executive coaching can be a valuable tool for high performance teams to reach their potential and achieve success.

Understanding Core Values

When it comes to high performance team development, having a set of core values can be incredibly beneficial. These values help guide team members and keep them on track while they work together. When everyone on the team shares the same core values, it creates a sense of unity and purpose. This can be extremely helpful in achieving success as a team.

It’s important for team members to understand and embrace the core values of the team. This way, they will be more likely to act in accordance with them and work towards the team’s goals. If there is a conflict between an individual’s personal values and the team’s core values, it can create tension and hinder progress.

Ultimately, it is up to the team leader to ensure that everyone is aware of the team’s core values and that they are acting in accordance with them. By doing so, the team can stay focused and achieve their goals.

Leverage and Elevate Existing Strengths

When it comes to high performance teams, it’s important for everyone to be able to contribute their skills and strengths. This way, the team can work together effectively and reach their goals.

In order to leverage these skills and strengths, the team leader should take the time to understand each individual member’s strengths. This can be done through interviews, senior leadership development, or assessments. Once the team leader has this information, they can begin to put it to use.

For example, if one team member is good at coming up with ideas, the team leader can assign them projects that require creativity. Or, if another team member is good at organizing and planning, they can be put in charge of tasks that need to be completed efficiently.

By developing leadership skills and leveraging the team’s existing strengths, the team can work together more effectively and achieve more success.

“Developing leadership skills and leveraging the team’s existing strengths, the team can work together more effectively and achieve more success.”

Build More Productive Relationships

Leaders sometimes build relationships with people who are only like themselves rather than expand their social circle. This can limit their effectiveness. Leadership coaching helps you see the tendency in yourself and provides strategies to work against it, including making you more aware of your own assumptions about people who don’t share similarities with you. Furthermore, they give guidance on how to establish strong working relationships with a wider variety of individuals.

In order to build more productive relationships, team leaders need to be aware of their own biases and assumptions. They should also take the time to get to know people who are different from them. By doing so, they can learn new things and expand their perspective.

Building more productive relationships can be beneficial for the team as a whole. High performance team development requires team members to work together effectively. If team members have strong relationships with each other, they will be more likely to cooperate and achieve success.

Foster a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed. People with a growth mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. They understand that effort leads to success, and they are always looking for ways to improve.

A coach can help individuals foster a growth mindset by providing guidance and support. They can also help people understand how to overcome challenges and setbacks.

Fostering a growth mindset is beneficial for high performance teams because it helps team members see failure as an opportunity to learn. It also helps them understand that effort leads to success. By fostering a growth mindset, the team can achieve more success.

High performance teams need coaching in order to achieve success. An executive coaching program can help team members understand and embrace the team’s core values, leverage and elevate existing strengths, build more productive relationships, and foster a growth mindset. By doing so, the team can stay focused and achieve their goals.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Why High Performance Teams Need Coaching

High Performance Teams

The Benefits of High Performance Coaching for Teams

The Benefits of High Performance Coaching for Teams

Senior leadership coaching can provide many benefits for teams. It can help them to develop a shared vision and objectives, identify areas where they need to improve, and create an action plan to address those areas. Additionally, senior leadership coaching can help team members to build trust and communication, strengthen relationships, and learn new skills. Ultimately, executive coaching can help teams to achieve their full potential and be more successful.

Enhance Program Learnings

Executive coaching provides a safe space for executives and senior managers to explore their own limitations while learning how they can improve. Executive coaches challenge them by getting involved in ongoing leadership development programs, which will help the employee accept feedback so that both parties are more open-minded about accepting change or new ideas from each other as well outside sources such as colleagues within your team. The journey towards self discovery begins with understanding who you really are without any obstructions. This is what having a leadership development plan does; it allows you to focus on the areas where you need to grow without any distractions. It also gives you an opportunity to get new perspectives about your leadership style and how it affects your team’s performance.

Action-Oriented Feedback

Leadership coaching is not consultation; it is a partnership between the client and the coach. The role of executive coaching is to provide an objective, outside perspective and help the executive take action to improve his or her leadership skills. This type of coaching is different from other types of coaching, such as sports coaching or life coaching, because it is specifically focused on improving leadership skills. This coaching helps executives and professionals throughout organisational changes. It ensures the effective implementation of that change, allowing them to own their actions and roles in order for teams to be successful at implementing imposed new ones effectively.

Improved Organisational Performance

One of the ultimate goals of executive coaching is to help organisations improve their performance. This can be accomplished by developing the leadership skills training that involves the executives and senior managers within the organisation. When these leaders are able to effectively lead their teams, the organisation as a whole will be more successful. Additionally, executive coaching can help to create a high performance culture within an organisation.

“When employees feel that their leaders are invested in their development and growth, they are more likely to be engaged in their work.”

Improved Employee Engagement

Another of the advantages of leadership training and development coaching is that it can improve employee engagement. When employees feel that their leaders are invested in their development and growth, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. When leaders receive coaching, they are better able to model the behaviours that lead to high levels of employee engagement, such as effective communication, delegation, and conflict resolution.

Reduced Employee Turnover

Leaders who receive coaching learn how to create a work environment that is conducive to retention, such as providing high performance team development opportunities and offering regular feedback. When employees feel supported and valued by their leaders, they are less likely to leave the organisation.

Executive coaching provides many benefits for teams and organisations. Coaching can help individuals learn new skills, enhance program learnings, take action-oriented feedback, improve organisational performance, improve employee engagement, and reduce employee turnover. Executive coaching is an effective way to develop leadership skills and improve the performance of teams and organisations.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

The Benefits of High Performance Coaching for Teams

high performance teams

Creating and Sustaining Psychological Safety in High Performing Teams

Creating and Sustaining Psychological Safety in High Performing Teams

High performing teams need psychological safety. This means that team members believe it is safe to take interpersonal risks without fear of negative consequences such as criticism, punishments, being ignored or laughed at. When people feel accepted and respected, they bring their best selves to work. They are more likely to take risks, share new ideas, and give constructive feedback.

Creating psychological safety starts with the team leader. Leaders need to set the tone and make it clear that everyone is valued and respected. They should encourage open communication and discourage blamed-based thinking.

Sustaining psychological safety requires ongoing effort from everyone on the team. It takes time and patience to build trust and create an environment where people feel comfortable taking risks. But it is worth the effort, because high performing teams are able to achieve amazing things.

The Difference Between Psychological Safety and Trust

There is a key difference between psychological safety and trust. Psychological safety means that team members feel safe to take risks without fear of negative consequences. Trust means that team members are willing to cooperate and work together towards a common goal.

Trust is essential for any team to function effectively. Team members need to be able to rely on each other, and they need to trust that everyone is working towards the same goal. It is about how individuals treat and interact with one another.

Psychological safety is a shared belief and team norm that all team members adhere to. It allows team members to take risks and share new ideas, which can lead to innovation and creativity. Everyone in the group feels secure enough to participate.

Creating Psychological Safety In High Performance Teams

Creating psychological safety in high performance teams can be a challenge. However, there are a few things that team leaders can do to set the tone and encourage open communication.

1. Leaders need to set the example and be role models for healthy behavior. They should create a safe environment where taking calculated risks and voicing new ideas is encouraged.

2. Leaders should avoid blame-based thinking and engage in difficult conversations. When team members are able to communicate openly, they are able to resolve conflicts quickly and efficiently.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             It is essential for team members to feel safe to take risks and share new ideas. Understanding the importance of cultivating a psychologically safe environment is an important factor in ongoing leadership development. When team members feel valued and respected, they are more likely to bring their best selves to work and contribute to the success of the team.

“Understanding the importance of cultivating a psychologically safe environment is an important factor in ongoing leadership development.”

Sustaining Psychological Safety In High Performance Teams

Encourage Risk-Taking

Allowing teams to make calculated risks is essential for their success. Risks can lead to innovation and creativity, which are essential for high performance teams. When team members feel safe to take risks, they are more likely to share new ideas and contribute to the team’s success. However, risks need to be calculated in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Team leaders should encourage their team members to take risks, but also remind them that mistakes are part of the learning process. By taking risks and learning from their mistakes, team members can continue to improve their performance.

Tolerating Mistakes

When someone makes a mistake, it can be easy to get angry or criticize them. However, this can actually discourage people from taking risks and sharing new ideas. It can also damage relationships and hinder team progress.

A better approach is to focus on the mistake itself, not the person who made it. Ask what can be learned from the mistake and how you can prevent it from happening again. This is an integral part of high performance team programs. When mistakes are treated as learning opportunities, you create stronger teams and help them in developing leadership capabilities that will make them successful both now and in the future.

For high performing team development to be successful, participants need to feel safe in order to cooperate and work together effectively. Creating psychological safety is essential for building an effective high performance culture.  Leaders should set the tone and example for healthy behavior, avoid blame-based thinking, and encourage open communication. When team members are able to communicate openly, they can resolve conflicts quickly and efficiently. Sustaining a psychologically safe environment is important for high performance teams so that they can continue to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and improve their overall performance.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Creating and Sustaining Psychological Safety in High Performing Teams

High Performance Teams

5 Characteristics of High Performance Teams

5 Characteristics of High Performance Teams

High performance teams are characterised by a number of distinct features. These teams are typically highly cohesive, with members working closely together towards common goals. They also tend to have high levels of communication and collaboration, as well as a strong sense of collective identity. In addition, high performance teams typically exhibit a high degree of adaptability, able to rapidly change course in response to new information or challenges. These teams consistently meet or exceed expectations.

While there is no single formula for building a high performance team, there are a number of characteristics that these teams typically share. By understanding and cultivating these features, you can create an environment that is more conducive to high levels of team performance.

Prioritise Communication

One of the key characteristics of high performance teams is communication. This means that team members are able to effectively share information and collaborate towards common goals. In order to facilitate this, it is important to prioritise communication within the team.

Some ways to do this include:

  • Making sure that everyone has an opportunity to share their ideas, and that no one is shy about speaking up
  • Encouraging open discussion and debate, so that everyone can understand different points of view
  • Creating a culture of trust, where team members feel comfortable sharing information and asking for help
  • Establishing rules or norms for communication, such as using clear and concise language, avoiding distractions, or taking turns speaking

The best high performance team programs are effective because of the emphasis placed on communication to make them successful. By prioritising communication, you can create a team environment that is conducive to high performance.

Understand Emotional Intelligence

One of the key factors that separates high performance teams from the rest is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to a person’s ability to recognise and understand their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is this ability to manage emotions that allows high performance teams to thrive.

Some ways in which emotional intelligence can benefit a team include:

  • Improved communication: When team members are able to recognise and understand their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, they are better able to communicate effectively. This can lead to improved understanding and cooperation within the team.
  • Reduced conflict: Emotional intelligence can help team members to manage conflict effectively. When everyone understands and recognises their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others, it reduces the chance for conflict to arise.
  • Better decision making: High emotional intelligence can also lead to better decision making. When team members are able to control their emotions, they are less likely to be swayed by them when making decisions. This can lead to more rational and effective decisions.

Managing emotions is one of the key factors that contribute to high performance team development.

” It is important to be realistic in setting your goals, and to make sure that everyone on the team is on board with the plan.”

Have a Development Plan

In order to create a high performance team, it is important to understand where your team is currently and where you want them to be. This means setting clear goals and objectives for the team, and developing a plan to help them reach those goals.

The first step is to assess the current state of the team. This includes looking at factors such as communication, cooperation, and productivity. Once you have a good understanding of where the team is currently, you can begin developing a plan to help them reach their goals.

Your plan should include both short-term and long-term goals, as well as specific steps that the team can take to achieve those goals. This can include providing additional resources, support, and leadership training. It is important to be realistic in setting your goals, and to make sure that everyone on the team is on board with the plan.

By having a clear development plan in place, you can help your team reach their full potential and perform at their best.

Value Regular Feedback

Feedback is a crucial part of developing leadership skills training. It is through feedback that team members are able to understand how they are performing and identify areas for improvement.

When providing feedback, it is important to be clear, concise, and specific. It is also important to be objective and avoid personal biases. Feedback should be given regularly, and should cover both positive and negative aspects of the team’s performance.

You can assist team members by providing consistent feedback and revealing areas for improvement. Executive leadership courses can be a useful tool for tracking performance over time while providing participants with the skills needed to make those necessary improvements. This can help them to reach their full potential and perform at their best.

High Levels of Respect Between Leaders and Team Members

High levels of trust and respect are essential for any high performance team. When team members trust and respect one another, they are more likely to cooperate and communicate effectively.

Trust is built through mutual respect and positive interactions. It is not something that can be forced or faked. Team members must be willing to trust each other, and must be open and honest with one another.

Respect is earned through actions, not words. It is based on the understanding that every team member is valuable and contributes something unique to the team. Respect must be mutual in order to be effective.

When leaders and team members have high levels of trust and respect for each other, the team will be more successful. The relationships within the team will be stronger, and communication will flow more smoothly. Trust and respect are key ingredients for a high performance team.

High emotional intelligence, a development plan, regular feedback, and high levels of trust and respect are all essential ingredients for a high performance team. When team members have these qualities, they are more likely to cooperate and communicate effectively. These are just some of the advantages of leadership training. By developing a clear plan, you can help your team perform at their best by encouraging them to reach their full potential.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

5 Characteristics of High Performance Teams

The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

There’s no denying that strong leadership is critical to the success of any organisation. But what kind of leadership results in the best outcomes?

Values based leadership has been shown to be one of the most effective types of leadership, resulting in high performance in organisations. Here are some of the benefits of values based leadership:

1. It builds trust and respect

When leaders operate from a set of core values, it instils trust and respect in their team members. People know where their leader stands and what they stand for, which creates a sense of safety and security. Leadership training that helps participants to develop their leadership style in accordance with their values often results in more successful performance and longevity.

2. It drives engagement

Values based leaders are passionate about their work and their team members. This passion is contagious, resulting in a highly engaged team. Leadership development training can help leaders gain deeper insight into the values that drive them to succeed and how to leverage their own enthusiasm to engage and inspire others.

3. It fosters creativity and innovation

Because values based leaders are focused on the collective good, they create an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish. When people feel safe to take risks and experiment, they are more likely to come up with new and better ideas.

“People want to work for leaders who share their values and who will challenge them to be their best. “

4. It builds a strong culture

Values based leadership development is important for establishing a high performance culture. This culture is characterised by high standards, accountability, and a commitment to excellence. When leaders make decisions and act in  alignment with their values, their teams become empowered to do the same.

5. It attracts top talent

Organisations with strong cultures that are aligned with their values tend to attract top talent. People want to work for leaders who share their values and who will challenge them to be their best.  The best leadership courses also provide the opportunity for organisations to ensure their values are embedded into their training for new and current employees.

If you’re looking for a leadership style that will result in high performance, values based leadership is a great option. When it comes to developing leadership skills, approaching training from a values based perspective creates a personal connection to larger objectives and deeper investment in delivering high performance. By operating from a set of shared values, you can build trust and respect, drive engagement, foster creativity and innovation, build a strong culture, attract top talent, and lead your organisation to success.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

Why Should Your Personal Values Align With Your Organisation’s?

Why Should Your Personal Values Align With Your Organisation’s?

It is important for your personal values to align with those of your organisation in order to create a harmonious working environment. By sharing similar values, you and your organisation can work together towards common goals and maintain a mutual understanding and respect for one another. Additionally, when your personal values align with your organisation’s, you are more likely to be satisfied with your job and motivated to do your best work.

Effective Communication

It’s no secret that effective communication is essential to success in any organisation. After all, how can high performance team members work together effectively if they can’t communicate with each other? Likewise, how can an organisation function smoothly if its members can’t communicate effectively with each other?

However, what many people don’t realise is that effective communication doesn’t just happen by chance. In order for communication to be truly effective, it needs to be aligned with the organisation’s values.

When communication is aligned with an organisation’s values, it creates a common understanding and language that everyone can use to work together more effectively. For example, if one of an organisation’s core values is “honesty,” then all members of the organisation should be open, truthful, and kind to each other when communicating. This creates an environment of trust and respect, which is essential for effective teamwork.

Likewise, if an organisation’s core value is “innovation,” then a leader who communicates a vision of innovation is much more likely to inspire others to follow than a leader who simply talks about being different.When leaders communicate their vision in a way that is aligned with the organisation’s values, it creates a strong connection between the leader and their direct reports. This connection is essential for developing leadership capabilities.

“Values are the beliefs that an organisation holds to be true, and they should shape everything from the way the organisation is run to the way it interacts with customers and clients.”

Managing Conflict

Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and it’s no different in the workplace. In fact, conflict can actually be a good thing, as it can lead to new ideas and solutions that wouldn’t have been thought of otherwise.

Not all conflict is created equal. For example, constructive conflict is the type of conflict that happens when people are disagreeing in a way that is respectful and productive. This type of conflict can lead to positive outcomes, such as new perspectives and creative solutions.

On the other hand, destructive conflict is the type of conflict that happens when people are disagreeing in a way that is disrespectful and unproductive. This type of conflict usually leads to negative outcomes, such as decreased morale and productivity.

When managing conflict in the workplace, it’s important to encourage constructive conflict and discourage destructive conflict. One way to do this is to create an environment where people feel safe to disagree with each other. This can be achieved through leadership development programs that give teams the tools to lean into tough conversations.

Another way to encourage constructive conflict is to provide leadership training on how to handle conflict in a productive way. This can help people learn how to disagree without being disrespectful, and it can also help them understand when it’s appropriate to escalate a disagreement to a higher authority.

In short, managing conflict in the workplace is essential for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. By encouraging constructive conflict and discouraging destructive conflict, managers can help create an environment where people feel safe to disagree with each other, and where new ideas and solutions can be found.

Values are the foundation of any organisation, and they should be the guiding force behind all decision-making. Because of this, determining which values are most important to you can be an essential part of your leadership development. The best leadership training courses will help you understand how to lead authentically by keeping your values at the forefront. After all, values are the beliefs that an organisation holds to be true, and they should shape everything from the way the organisation is run to the way it interacts with customers and clients.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

Why Should Your Personal Values Align With Your Organisation’s?

leadership strategy

How to be a Leader that Others Want to Follow

How to be a Leader that Others Want to Follow

It’s not enough to simply be in a position of power or authority. To be a truly effective leader, you need to be someone that others are naturally drawn to and want to follow. So how can you become that kind of leader?

The first step is to develop a deep understanding of what leadership means. It’s not about bossing people around or having all the answers. Leadership is about setting a clear vision, inspiring and motivating others to achieve collective goals, and being able to work together as a team. There are many different leadership styles, but the best leaders are those who are able to adapt their style to the situation and the people they are leading. To do this, you need to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, and be comfortable with who you are as a leader.

Be Authentic

People can spot a fake from a mile away, so it’s important that you be genuine in your leadership role. This means being true to yourself and your values, and not pretending to be someone you’re not.  If you’re not comfortable with public speaking, for example, don’t try to be a motivational speaker. Be honest about your weaknesses and work on improving them. At the same time, highlight your strengths and use them to inspire others.

Authentic leadership stems from  self-awareness. If you’re not aware of your own motivations, values and strengths, it will be difficult to be a leader that others can trust. Senior leadership coaching allows leaders the opportunity to dedicate time to discover the values that consciously or subconsciously underlie their leadership style. Once you have a good understanding of who you are, you can start working on being the best leader possible.

Be Transparent

Leaders who are open and honest with their team members are typically more respected and trusted. This means holding themselves accountable and sharing when they have made mistakes. Not only does doing so result in strengthened team relationships, it also provides learning opportunities for leaders while helping their teams avoid making those same mistakes.

When you undertake coaching for senior leaders, you gain deeper insight into your personal story and how it informs the way you lead. This type of leadership development coaching can provide leaders with the ability to leverage those insights in ways that inspire and motivate their teams.

“Personal and professional growth is important to everyone, so it’s important that leaders encourage their team members to continue learning and developing.”

Encourage Growth

Personal and professional growth is important to everyone, so it’s important that leaders encourage their team members to continue learning and developing. This means offering help and guidance when needed, but also letting team members take the lead when they’re ready. High performance training programs can provide teams with the skills and tools necessary to fulfil their highest potential. Affording them such opportunities shows that you trust and value their capabilities, which in turn motivates team members to do their best work.

As a leader, it’s also important that you continue to grow and develop. This not only keeps you sharp and up-to-date, it also shows your team members that learning is a lifelong process. Undertaking leading teams training can help you build on your existing skills and knowledge, and learn new techniques that you can apply in your role.

Show Courage

Leaders who are afraid to take risks often find themselves stuck in the status quo. But in order to move forward, sometimes risks need to be taken. This doesn’t mean being reckless, but it does mean having the courage to try new things and stand up for what you believe in, even when it’s not popular.

Executive leadership must be courageous in order to be effective. Showing courage can inspire others to do the same, and it allows you to set the tone for your organisation. When faced with difficult decisions, don’t be afraid to make the tough call. Your employees will respect you for it, and it will ultimately help your business succeed.

A leader that others want to follow is someone who is authentic, transparent, and encourages growth. They are also someone who shows courage in the face of difficult decisions. If you can be these things, you will be a leader that others respect and admire.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How to be a Leader that Others Want to Follow

leadership training

Why Leading a Team is More Difficult than it Looks

Why Leading a Team is More Difficult than it Looks

When it comes to leading a team, there is a lot more than meets the eye. Sure, it may look easy from the outside – but the reality is that it takes a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment to successfully lead a team. 

One of the most important aspects of being an effective leader is finding balance. You need to be able to juggle the various demands of your team members, while still remaining focused on the overall goal. It can be difficult to find this balance, but it is essential if you want to be successful.

Be Both Decisive and Collaborative

When it comes to leading a team, one of the most difficult things to balance is being both decisive and collaborative. On one hand, you need to be able to make decisions quickly in order to keep things moving forward. On the other, you need to be able to take input from your team and work together towards a solution that everyone can agree on. It can be a tricky tightrope to walk, but it’s important to find a balance between the two in order to be an effective leader.

One of the best ways to find this balance is to start by being clear about your vision for the team. It’s essential for businesses to have good communication and training for high performance. After all, effective communication is key to any successful organisation. Once you have a strong sense of where you want things to go, it will be easier to make decisions that are in line with that vision. At the same time, it’s important to involve your team in the decision-making process as much as possible. This will help them feel invested in the outcome and more likely to buy into your vision.

Finding the right balance between being decisive and collaborative can be difficult, but it’s an essential skill that can be developed through senior leadership training. By being clear about your vision and involving your team in the decision-making process, you can strike a balance and set your team up for success.

Mitigate Risk while Encouraging Innovation

Innovation is essential for any team that wants to be successful. Without it, businesses can quickly become stagnant and fall behind the competition. However, innovation comes with its own share of risks. When you’re trying something new, there’s always the chance that it might not work out the way you hoped.

As a leader, it’s your job to strike a balance between mitigating risk and supporting talent development by encouraging innovation. You need to take steps to protect your team from potentially harmful risks. At the same time,  you need to create an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish.

One of the best ways to strike this balance is to set clear guidelines for what is and isn’t acceptable. This will give your team members a framework to work within, while still allowing them the freedom to be creative. At the same time, it’s important to encourage open communication and provide feedback – both positive and negative – in order to help your team members learn and grow.

Finding the right balance between risk and innovation can be difficult, but it’s essential for any leader who wants to be successful. By setting clear guidelines and encouraging open communication, you can create an environment where high performance teams can thrive.

“Be open to new ideas and willing to try new things. At the same time, don’t be afraid to let go of things that aren’t working.”

Flexible Leadership

As a leader, one of the most important qualities you need to have is flexibility. Things change all the time, and you need to be able to adapt quickly to keep up. This can be difficult, but it’s essential if you want to be successful.

One of the best ways to stay flexible is to keep an open mind. Be open to new ideas and willing to try new things. At the same time, don’t be afraid to let go of things that aren’t working. If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to change course.

It’s also important to be flexible in your communication style. Not everyone communicates in the same way, so you need to be able to adjust your style depending on who you’re talking to.  This can be difficult, but it’s essential if you want to be an effective leader.

Being flexible is one of the most important qualities for any leader. By keeping an open mind and being willing to adjust your communication style, you can be successful no matter what changes come your way.

Overcoming unexpected challenges while maintaining, or even exceeding, performance goals is a frequent concern for many leaders. Leading teams training often helps equip leaders with the skills necessary to balance the competing priorities of their role. Combined with high performance team programs, leaders and their teams are able to achieve greater levels of success.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Why Leading a Team is More Difficult than it Looks

leading teams

5 Tips for Leading a Successful Team

5 Tips for Leading a Successful Team

The best leaders know how to lead a successful team. They know how to inspire their team members and keep them motivated. They also know how to communicate effectively and make sure everyone is on the same page. If you want to become a successful leader, you need to learn how to do these things too. The importance of senior leadership development cannot be overestimated. It is essential for organisational success and for the continued growth and development of staff. Senior leaders play a vital role in setting the tone and culture of an organisation, and in leading by example. They also provide mentorship and guidance to younger staff, and help create a positive and productive work environment.

Clarity in Communication

One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to ensure that your team has clarity on what they need to do. This means being very clear in setting your expectations. Your team should know what their goals are and how they contribute to the overall success of the organisation. If there is any confusion, take the time to explain things again. It is better to reiterate important information than to have your team guessing what they need to do.

Find the Right Fit

In order to have a successful high performance team, you need to make sure that you have the right people in the right roles. This means that each person on your team should be doing something that they are good at and enjoy. If someone is not a good fit for their role, it will only lead to frustration and poor performance. Development and training programs can help you to identify and support the enhancement of the key strengths of team members. Take the time to assess each team member and make sure that they are in the right role for their skills and personality.

“By equipping team members with the skills they need to succeed, leaders help to foster a culture of excellence and achievement.”

Empower Your Team

One of the most important things you can do as a leader is to delegate tasks and empower your team. This means giving them the responsibility to complete tasks and make decisions. It is important to trust your team and give them the autonomy to do their jobs. If you are constantly micromanaging, it will only lead to frustration and a feeling of being powerless. Guiding teams and providing direction are critical skills that can be enhanced through leading teams training. When you delegate tasks, then step back and let your team do their job, they grow in confidence and performance.

Be Curious

As the leader, you need to be constantly asking questions. This shows that you are interested in what your team is doing and that you want to know more about their work. Being curious also shows that you are open to new ideas and willing to learn from your team. If you never ask questions, it will only lead to a lack of communication and a lack of understanding between you and your team. Curiosity is also useful in training for high performance. A successful team is always learning, investigating, and looking for new ways to improve. That spirit of curiosity is what sets great teams apart and drives them to continued success.

Providing Feedback

Understanding the importance of providing effective feedback is integral. It is important to give both positive and negative feedback in order to help team performance improve. If you only give positive feedback, your team will become complacent and they will not strive to improve. However, if you only give negative feedback, it will only lead to frustration and a feeling of being inadequate. Try to find a balance when giving feedback and make sure that it is constructive.

Great leaders know how to keep their team focused and motivated, even when the going gets tough. By equipping team members with the skills they need to succeed, leaders help to foster a culture of excellence and achievement. In addition, development and training programs can also help to build team cohesion and communication, both of which are essential for high performing teams.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

5 Tips for Leading a Successful Team

What is essential to developing leaders?

What is essential to developing leaders?

While there is no one formula for developing leaders, there are some essential elements that are necessary for any leader to be successful. These include:

– A clear understanding of what leadership is and what it entails. Leaders must be able to inspire and motivate others, and they must also be able to make difficult decisions when necessary.

– The ability to develop and maintain relationships with those they lead. Leaders must be able to build trust and respect with their team members in order to be effective.

– A willingness to continuously learn and grow in their role. Leaders must be open to new ideas and willing to change their approach if it is not working.

Developing leaders is essential for any organisation that wants to be successful. By investing in leader development, organisations can create a pipeline of talent that will help them achieve their goals.

What is Leadership?

Leaders play a critical role in shaping organisational culture. They can help create a positive and productive environment by setting the tone and example for others to follow. It is the set of values, beliefs, and behaviours that shape how employees think, feel, and act. A strong organisational culture can inspire and motivate teams to achieve their best.   It can also provide a sense of stability and direction during times of change.

Development and training are essential to creating effective leaders. They help leaders gain the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.  Training helps leaders keep up with changes in the workplace and learn new ways to motivate and inspire their teams. Development opportunities give leaders the chance to grow and improve their abilities. These experiences can help leaders become more effective and successful in their roles.

“Leaders who are not adequately developed are more likely to make mistakes, lose the trust of their followers, and fail to achieve their goals.”

Maintaining Relationships in Teams

Creating leaders requires talent development at every level. It starts with identifying potential leaders and providing them with opportunities to grow and develop their skills. But it doesn’t stop there. As leaders move up through the ranks, they need to continue to develop their abilities so that they can effectively lead others.

Talent development is essential to senior leadership teams because it provides the tools and skills they need to lead effectively. Leaders who are not adequately developed are more likely to make mistakes, lose the trust of their followers, and fail to achieve their goals.

Leading teams training is one way to develop the skills and abilities needed to be an effective leader. This type of training can provide leaders with the knowledge they need to make sound decisions, build strong teams, and navigate difficult situations. Senior leadership training can also help leaders sharpen their own skills so that they can better lead others.

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few common qualities that make them successful. If you’re looking to become a leader, or if you want to be more effective in your current role, keep these things in mind. It takes hard work and dedication to be a good leader, but it’s definitely worth it. 

Are there any other qualities you think are important for leaders?

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

What is essential to developing leaders?

7 Things All Leaders Should Know

7 Things All Leaders Should Know

As a leader, you are responsible for guiding and motivating your team to reach common goals. But what does it take to be a successful leader? While there is no one formula for success, there are certain qualities and skills that all great leaders share. Whether you’re a developing leader or an experienced one, honing these abilities can have a significant impact on your leadership and help to set you, and your team, up for success.

No Perfect Way to Lead

Leadership is not a one size fits all approach, the key is to learn what works for you and your team. There are senior leadership training programs available to help equip you with the skills you need to be an effective leader. Different leadership styles work better in different situations, so it’s important to find the style that works best for you. Senior leadership training can help you learn about different leadership styles and how to adapt your own style to fit the needs of your team.

Value of Continuous Learning

As a leader, it’s important to continuously learn and grow. This means being open to feedback, taking leadership development courses and reading leadership books. By continuously learning, you’ll be able to better assess your strengths and weaknesses and develop an approach that works best for you and your team. Additionally, leadership assessments and profiling can be extremely beneficial in helping you identify your leadership style and the areas you need to work on.

“When everyone feels valued, respected and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond to achieve goals.”

Be Decisive

Being decisive is an important quality for senior leadership teams. The ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently is key to keeping a team on track and ensuring that goals are met. Of course, not every decision will be popular, but it is important to stand by your convictions and maintain a clear vision for the team. When senior leaders are able to be decisive, it sets the tone for the entire team and allows everyone to work together more effectively.

Emotional Intelligence is Key

When it comes to leading a team, emotional intelligence is key.  In order to create a high performing team, it is essential to understand and manage the emotions of both yourself and your team members. Beginning at the individual level, leading teams training shows leaders how knowing themselves better, results in stronger strategic leadership and greater team performance. When everyone feels valued, respected and supported, they are more likely to go above and beyond to achieve goals.

Listen More than They Speak

It’s important for leaders to listen more than they speak. By doing so, they can learn about their team’s needs and how they can best be supported. Additionally, listening fosters trust and respect between leader and team members. Leaders who take the time to listen to their team members show that they value their input and are more likely to build a strong, cohesive team.

Show Appreciation

It’s important to show appreciation for your team’s hard work – this will help them feel valued and motivated. A simple ‘thank you’ can go a long way! You could also consider other ways of showing appreciation, such as public recognition or awards. Remember, every team is different, so take the time to learn what works best for yours. With a little bit of effort, you can create a positive and productive team environment that everyone enjoys being a part of.

Be an Example

Leaders should always lead by example. If you want your team to be passionate, then you must show passion yourself. Your team will take their cues from you, so it’s important that you set the right tone. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to be perfect. No one is perfect. But it does mean that you need to be aware of your own behavior and how it might be affecting your team. If you make a mistake, own up to it and learn from it. Your team will respect you all the more for it.

Excelling at team management can be a challenge, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Remember, there is no perfect way to lead, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your team. And always keep learning – the best leaders never stop growing.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

7 Things All Leaders Should Know

executive coaching

The Benefits of Senior Leadership Coaching

The Benefits of Senior Leadership Coaching

Executive leadership coaching can help leaders learn how to more effectively communicate their vision and goals to their team, and make better decisions that take into account the needs of all stakeholders. In addition, leadership coaching can help leaders learn how to delegate tasks more effectively and build trusting relationships with their team members. This can lead to increased productivity and morale within an organisation. Executive coaching helps to improve team dynamics by helping leaders create a more positive and cohesive team environment.

Improves Decision Making

In order to be a high performance team, members must be able to work well together and make better decisions. Senior leadership team training helps team members understand how to work together more effectively. It does so by giving them the skills to better communicate and resolve conflict, which are essential skills for any team. Developing strong competencies in these areas in teams can make better decisions and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Creates Stronger Relationships

Team coaching can improve employee relationships by helping them to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and to appreciate the value of diversity within the team. By developing a greater understanding of one another, teams build trust and mutual respect that contributes to a more productive working environment. This in turn, means that team members are able to identify and focus on the team’s common goal, and to work together more effectively towards that goal

“By developing a greater understanding of one another, teams build trust and mutual respect that contributes to a more productive working environment.”

Establish a Positive Environment

A strong sense of morale is key to maintaining team cohesion and keeping everyone motivated. There are a few different ways to build morale in the workplace. One is to focus on creating a positive environment. This means being supportive and encouraging, and making sure that everyone feels like they are part of the team. This could involve offering training and development programs, or giving employees the chance to take on new responsibilities. By providing opportunities for growth and demonstrating an investment in your team’s career journeys, they become more engaged in their work and more driven to succeed.

Coaching can have a huge impact on how leaders communicate with their team and make decisions. It also helps them build trusting relationships within an organisation, leading to increased productivity among co-workers as well as higher morale levels for everyone involved. Have you tried executive leadership coaching? What were your results?

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

The Benefits of Senior Leadership Coaching

How to Lead a Successful Team

How to Lead a Successful Team

Organisations are driven to success through the support of high performance teams. Likewise, those teams are able to achieve such strong results by leveraging the support of their leaders. Great leaders understand the importance of creating a culture of honesty and trust within their teams that allows them to perform at consistently high standards.


When it comes to leading a successful team, training for high performance is essential. However, what’s even more important than training is honesty. Without honesty, training will only get you so far. In order to be a successful leader, you must be honest with yourself and your team. This means being transparent about your goals, your expectations, and your feedback. Honesty builds trust and respect, both of which are essential for any successful team. If you’re looking to lead a successful team, start by being honest with yourself and your team members.

Build Trust

Trust is essential for any successful team. Without trust, team members will be hesitant to take risks, try new things, or speak up when they have a great idea. Therefore, it’s important for leaders to build trust within their team. One way to do this is by being transparent and honest with your team members. Another way to build trust is by showing that you have faith in your team’s ability to succeed. Leading teams training can be an effective talent development tool that encourages leaders to provide opportunities for team members to showcase their abilities and take initiatives. When you show that you trust your team, they’ll be more likely to trust you and their fellow team members.

“If you want to lead a successful team, start by being honest with yourself and your team members. “

Set Clear Expectations

Setting clear expectations is another important element of successful team leadership. Your team members need to know what is expected of them, both in terms of their individual roles and in terms of the team’s overall goals. If you’re not clear about your expectations, your team will likely become frustrated and eventually give up. So it’s important to set the tone from the start by being clear about what you expect from your team. Engaging in high performance team programs can help to establish a clear understanding of expectations while providing teams with the tools and skills needed to meet them. Once you’ve set clear expectations, it’s much easier to hold your team members accountable and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

One of the key benefits of senior leadership training is that it helps to develop honesty, trust, and clarity within an organisation. If you want to lead a successful team, start by being honest with yourself and your team members. Set clear expectations and give feedback regularly. And finally, build trust within your team by showing that you have faith in their ability to succeed. By following these simple steps, you can develop a strong and cohesive team that is capable of achieving great things.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How to Lead a Successful Team

How Effective Leaders Get the Most Out of Their Team

How Effective Leaders Get the Most Out of Their Team

Effective leaders know how to get the most out of their team. By setting goals, providing support, and establishing an environment of trust, leaders can create a productive and successful team dynamic. In order to be an effective leader, it’s important to understand what motivates your team and how to best communicate with them.

Build Trust

The most effective leaders know that trust is the foundation of any successful team. Without trust, team members will be unwilling to take risks or put their full effort into achieving goals. To build trust, effective leaders need to be transparent and honest with their team. They should also create an environment where team members feel safe to openly share their ideas and concerns. 

Ensuring psychological safety is one of the most important factors in effective team management. If team members fear negative repercussions for raising concerns, the issue won’t be resolved and you de-incentivise individuals to perform well. However, when you demonstrate that their concerns are as important to you as your own and work to resolve them together, you establish a culture of trust. When there is reciprocity of trust, teams are able to problem solve more effectively and performance increases.

Delegate Tasks and Encourage Autonomy

Effective leaders know that they can’t do everything themselves and that it’s important to delegate tasks to their team members. But they also know that simply delegating tasks isn’t enough – they need to give team members the autonomy to complete those tasks in their own way.

By giving team members autonomy, leaders show that they trust them to get the job done. This, in turn, motivates team members to do their best work and take ownership of their projects. This is of particular importance to developing leaders and those in the early stages of their leadership development journey.

“One of the most important things that effective leaders do is ensure that their goals are aligned with their organisation’s values.”

Goal and Value Alignment

One of the most important things that effective leaders do is ensure that their goals are aligned with their organisation’s values. By doing this, they create a strong sense of purpose within their team that motivates them to work towards the common goal.

Achieving this alignment can be difficult, but it’s worth the effort. Leading teams training can help you to integrate organisational values into the goals of your team. Discussing your values and how they connect to team goals regularly, ensures your team has a complete understanding of their importance. When your team knows that their work is contributing to something larger than themselves, they’ll be more engaged and committed to seeing the project through to completion.

Provide Effective Feedback

Feedback is essential for any team’s success. Effective senior leadership teams know that they need to give both positive and negative feedback to their team members in order to help them improve.

Positive feedback reinforces good behaviour and lets team members know when they’re doing a good job. Negative feedback, on the other hand, is necessary for helping team members correct mistakes and learn from their errors. Leadership training programs provide leaders with the skills needed to have crucial conversations with their teams and give more effective feedback. 

Effective leaders understand that developing a strong team is essential to the success of their business. By building trust, delegating tasks, aligning team goals with organisational values, and giving feedback, they create an environment where team members can do their best work and reach their full potential.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

How Effective Leaders Get the Most Out of Their Team

Why Leadership Assessments Matter in Teams

Why Leadership Assessments Matter in Teams

A leadership assessment is a process of evaluating an individual’s leadership qualities. This information can then be used to help develop and improve leadership skills. There are many different types of leadership assessments, but all share the same goal: to provide accurate and actionable information about someone’s leadership strengths and weaknesses. In today’s business world, it is more important than ever to have an effective team in place. A leadership assessment can help you create  high performance  teams that meet your company’s specific needs.

Leverage Strengths and Mitigate Weaknesses

Without leadership assessment, teams are often left directionless and without a clear understanding of how to improve. Assessment provides the team with valuable feedback that can be used to make positive changes and assist in team management. They can help reinforce investment and motivation in team members to achieve higher levels of success.

Leadership assessment is an essential tool for any team that wants to achieve its full potential. Leading teams training can be designed with assessment results in mind that addresses the specific needs of your team. By taking the time to assess team strengths and weaknesses, managers can ensure that their team is on the right track for success by providing a roadmap for development and growth.

“Leadership assessments help you build a stronger, more cohesive team that is better equipped to handle the challenges of today’s business world.”

Provide a Measurement of Success

Leadership assessment is an important tool for senior leadership teams. By conducting regular assessments, you can ensure that your team is always performing at its best and identify any training needs. This will help you build a stronger, more cohesive team that is better equipped to handle the challenges of today’s business world.

By doing this you are not only helping your senior leaders, but all the managers and supervisors who need to assess their teams from time to time. Making it a regular part of your management process will only help in making your team stronger. Insights garnered from assessments provide the basis from which senior leadership training often begins. It also provides a metric that can be used to measure progress once training has been completed.

If you have never conducted a leadership assessment before, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you have a clear purpose for the assessment. What do you hope to achieve? Second, choose the right assessment tool. There are many different leadership assessment and profiling tools   available, so it is important to find one that best suits your needs.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Why Leadership Assessments Matter in Teams

high performance team

Why High Performance Teams are Critical for Success

Why High Performance Teams are Critical for Success

When it comes to talent development, high performance teams are essential. By investing in the training and development of team members, organisations can ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to meet organisational objectives. Leading teams training can also help team members to learn how to work together effectively, which is essential for high levels of productivity.

An organisation that fails to develop high performance teams is likely to find itself at a competitive disadvantage. In today’s business environment, organisations need to be able to rely on their team members to be able to work effectively and efficiently in order to remain successful. Talent development and leading teams training are two of the most important investments that an organisation can make in order to ensure its success.

Shared Values and Vision

One of the most important things that high performance teams have in common is a shared set of values and vision. By having a clear understanding of the organisation’s goals, team members are able to work together effectively towards achieving them. Additionally, a shared vision gives team members a sense of purpose and direction, which can motivate them to achieve their best.

Organisations that fail to develop a shared set of values and vision are likely to find that their team members are working towards different objectives, which can lead to conflict and low levels of productivity. A shared vision and set of values is therefore essential for high performance teams. Senior leadership training can help leaders to establish a deeper understanding of their values and how to instil them into daily practices for themselves and their teams. In doing so, you can ensure that the entire team is aligned and committed to achieving success.

” It is essential for organisations to ensure that team members are able to communicate openly and honestly with one another.”

Open and Clear Communication

Another important characteristic of high performance teams is open and clear communication. In order to work together effectively, team members need to be able to communicate openly and honestly with one another. This enables them to understand each other’s perspectives and find ways to resolve conflicts. Additionally, clear communication ensures that team members are always on the same page, which is essential for meeting organisational objectives. 

Organisations that fail to encourage open and clear communication among team members are likely to find that they are not able to work together effectively. This can lead to misunderstandings and errors, which can have a negative impact on productivity.  It is essential for organisations to ensure that team members are able to communicate openly and honestly with one another. Developing effective communication is integral when training for high performance as it not only improves a team’s ability to work with one another, but with other teams, clients, and customers as well.

High performance teams are critical for success because they provide the talent and expertise necessary to achieve organisational goals. By developing a strong team, organisations can create an environment that is conducive to innovation and high levels of productivity. High performance team training is one of the most important investments that an organisation can make in order to ensure its success.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Why High Performance Teams are Critical for Success

high performance team

How to Lead High Performing Teams

How to Lead High Performing Teams

When it comes to leading a team, there are certain skills and talents that are essential for success. First and foremost, a good leader must have courage and be vulnerable. They must also be highly emotionally intelligent and committed to developing others.

If you want your team to perform at a high level, it is important to invest in their training. By providing them with the resources they need to succeed, you can set them up for success. Additionally, it is important to create a team culture that values high performance. This can be done by setting clear expectations and providing feedback that is both positive and constructive.

Leading a high performing team is not easy, but it is definitely worth it. With the right skills and commitment, you can create a team that is unstoppable.

Courage & Vulnerability

It takes courage to lead a team. You have to be willing to put yourself out there and take risks. A good leader must have the courage to stand up for what they believe in and the vulnerability to have difficult conversations. By being open and honest with your team, you can create a trusting and respectful environment.

Exhibiting both courage and vulnerability is integral to leading high performance teams. When we allow ourselves to be unguarded with the team we lead, we establish deeper relationships that elicit a greater sense of loyalty and comradery. You instill in them the ability to understand one another better. In doing so, teams become more cohesive and able to overcome challenges much more effectively.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is crucial for any leader. This includes being able to understand and manage your own emotions. It also means being able to read other people’s emotions and respond in a way that is helpful. A leader with high emotional intelligence is able to create a positive team environment. They know how to motivate and inspire others. They also know how to resolve conflict effectively.

When it comes to senior leadership development, building a high level of emotional intelligence can make a significant impact on team performance. Recognising the emotions driving your own and others’ actions, means that you are better able to identify when and why performance is being limited or heightened. This also means that you can leverage those insights to improve problem solving capabilities and motivate stronger performance.

“A leader with high emotional intelligence is able to create a positive team environment. They know how to motivate and inspire others.”

Commitment to Developing Others

A good leader is committed to developing others. This means providing team members with the resources and support they need to grow. It also means giving team members opportunities to stretch themselves and develop their skills. Providing training for high performance allows teams to enhance their ability to work and problem solve collaboratively, making them more efficient and capable of achieving better results. 

A leader who is committed to developing others is invested in the long-term success of their team. They know that by helping team members grow, they are also helping the team as a whole. The benefits of leadership development and training programs extend far beyond the individuals taking part. Their direct reports experience improved leadership and as a result, are more successful and understand what it is to be part of a high performance team.

Leading a high performing team requires courage, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, and a commitment to developing others. These are not easy qualities to develop, but they are essential for any leader who wants their team to be successful. Leading teams training will help to create a culture that values high performance, allowing you to set them up for success.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

How to Lead High Performing Teams

How Effective Leaders Manage Teams

How Effective Leaders Manage Teams

The best leaders know that one of the most important aspects of their job is to build trust within their teams. Trust is the glue that holds teams together and allows them to function at their best. Unfortunately, trust can be a difficult thing to create and maintain. It requires constant effort and attention from leaders. But the payoff is worth it. Teams that trust each other are more cohesive, more productive, and more successful.

There are many ways to build trust within a team. Here are a few key strategies:

Be Transparent

Leaders should always be open and honest with their teams. This means sharing information, being clear about expectations, and being consistent in your words and actions. When teams feel like they can trust their leaders, they are more likely to trust each other. This is vital within senior leadership teams not only for how they operate internally, but for setting the standard of behaviour for their direct reports.

Encourage Open Communication

Teams need to be able to communicate openly and freely with each other. This means creating a psychological safe environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, without fear of being judged or critiqued. Leaders can encourage open communication by being good listeners and creating opportunities for dialogue. Leadership development training can provide leaders with the tools for facilitating difficult conversations and inclusive discussions. In doing so, you foster greater collaborative efforts that often result in stronger performance.

“Respect is another key ingredient in the trust recipe.”

Show Respect

Respect is another key ingredient in the trust recipe. When team members feel respected by their leaders, they are more likely to trust and respect each other. Leaders can show respect by valuing diversity, listening to different points of view, giving credit where it’s due, and owning your mistakes. As leaders, it is important that we take accountability for our actions, especially when we have made an error. Effective team management occurs when there is mutual respect and understanding between team members and leaders.

Promote Collaboration

Collaboration is essential for trust-building. When team members work together towards a common goal, they learn to trust and rely on each other. Leadership training programs can provide teams with the opportunity to establish collaborative problem solving practices. Teams that are capable of overcoming challenges together, tend to do with more efficiency and stronger levels of success.

Be Dependable

Team members need to know that they can rely on their leaders. This means being there when you say you will, following through on commitments, and keeping your word. When developing leaders of high performance teams, it is important to understand that you don’t need to have direct involvement in daily operations. Making yourself available to support your teams when required however, will demonstrate dedication to achieving the goals set out for them.

Building trust within a team is not an easy task, but it’s one of the most important things a leader can do. Through engaging in leading teams training, you build an arsenal of strategies and skills that each foster an environment of trust within teams. By developing deeper relationships and understanding what motivates your team, you are able to lead more effectively and help them to achieve higher performance. 

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

How Effective Leaders Manage Teams

Developing a Leadership Mindset

Developing a Leadership Mindset

If you want to be an effective leader, it’s important that you develop the right mindset. Leaders with a leadership mindset are able to inspire their teams and get the best performance out of them. They are able to make tough decisions, stay calm under pressure, and navigate through difficult situations. They place value on their own and others’ development, take ownership of their actions, and lead with emotional intelligence.

Nurture Development

Those with a leadership mindset are able to see the potential in their team members and help them reach their full potential. They create an environment where team members feel safe to take risks and experiment. They know how to delegate tasks and give clear instructions. They also know when to step in and provide support. They are able to give constructive feedback that leads to improvements. All of these qualities are essential for leading high performance teams.

When developing a leadership mindset, there are a few things you can do. First, it’s important that you assess your own strengths and weaknesses. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve. Second, you need to be willing to face challenges head-on. Leaders with a leadership mindset are always looking for ways to grow and learn. Finally, you must be open to feedback. Feedback is essential for developing a leadership mindset. It allows you to reflect on your own performance and make necessary changes.

Ownership and Accountability

One of the most important leadership qualities is ownership. This means taking responsibility for your actions and decisions, as well as those of your team. Leaders who take ownership are accountable for their team’s success or failure, and they’re always looking for ways to improve. If something goes wrong, they don’t point fingers or make excuses, they take responsibility and work to fix the problem.

Leading teams training that includes leadership assessment and profiling, allows participants to identify key areas for growth and provides them with the tools they need to succeed. Not only do they become more adept at acknowledging their own limitations, they now have the resources to overcome challenges. Ownership and accountability as pillars of having a leadership mindset affect team management, often resulting in greater effectiveness and performance.

“Leaders who take ownership are accountable for their team’s success or failure, and they’re always looking for ways to improve.”

Emotional Intelligence

A senior leadership team that is emotionally intelligent will create a positive domino effect throughout the entire organisation. This team will be more effective, successful and cohesive. When team members feel safe to take risks, they are more likely to come up with creative solutions and be open to new ideas.

Leadership training programs can help individuals learn how to develop their emotional intelligence. This type of training can be beneficial for those who want to move into senior leadership positions, as well as for those who are already in senior leadership roles. Through senior leadership training, individuals can learn how to better understand and manage their emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Such training can help senior leaders create a more positive and productive work environment.

Leaders with a leadership mindset are valuable assets to any organisation. If you want to develop into a better leader, nurturing yourself and those around you can yield incredible results.  Developing a leadership mindset takes time and effort, but it’s worth it – not only for your own growth, but also for the growth of those around you.

What do you believe contributes to an effective leadership mindset?

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

Developing a Leadership Mindset

The Importance of Assessment for Leading Teams

The Importance of Assessment for Leading Teams

Leadership assessment is one of the most important steps that a leader can take to improve their leadership skills. By taking part in leadership assessments and profiling, leaders can learn more about themselves and how they interact with those around them. This information is invaluable when it comes to developing leadership skills and training senior leadership teams. Leaders who are open to feedback and willing to learn will find that assessment helps them become better and more effective leaders.

Understand What Motivates Them

As a leader, it’s important to understand how to motivate your team.  When you know what makes your team tick, you can better tailor your approach to leading them. This not only leads to a more productive team, but also one that is more motivated and satisfied with their work.

Leaders who participate in leadership profiling gain a better understanding of the team dynamics and how they can improve team productivity. Teams that are able to work together effectively are more productive and achieve better results. Leaders who understand their team’s dynamics and what motivates them will be better equipped to manage and motivate them.

Engage in Training Programs that Will Make a Difference to Your Team

There are many different types of leadership assessment, but they all have the same goal – to help you understand yourself and your team better. The most common approach is to use a combination of self-assessment, feedback from others, and data gathered from team meetings or projects. This gives you a broad spectrum of information to work with. 

Developing team management training programs based on the specific needs of your team and organisation ensure that both you and your team are provided the greatest value. When leadership development programs address areas of need and relevance, participants are more engaged in their learning and are able to implement it with greater ease and efficiency.

It’s important to remember that assessment is not a one-time event. You should revisit it regularly to ensure that it remains relevant. As senior leadership teams change and grow, so too will the areas of strength and weakness. Assessment is an ongoing process that helps you adapt your leadership style to best meet the needs of your team. Leading teams training that includes assessment can help your team to reach its full potential.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

The Importance of Assessment for Leading Teams