The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) describes the dark side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples’ chances of success.
The HDS Assessment
By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognise and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem. Organisations around the world rely on the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) to identify derailers that disrupt or interfere with effective performance.
When these behaviours are not being managed, and/or are overused, they become problematic. Often they degrade leadership effectiveness and erode the quality of business and personal relationships. Once these behaviours have been recognised, we can provide coaching to help address them and compensate where necessary.
Who is the HDS Assessment for?
The Hogan Development Survey evaluates how a person will perform as part of a team and allows them to avoid tendencies that may damage working relationships. These behaviours may impact on the individual’s ability to develop strong working relationships with others, hinder their productivity or limit their overall career potential.
This assessment tool is recommended for:
- Executives
- Individuals working in teams
- CEOs
- Senior leaders
- Hiring managers
The HDS aids personal development by identifying behaviour patterns that might need attention. It can be used in conjunction with the HPI and MVPI to provide an in-depth picture of the person’s overall strengths and shortcomings.
What do people say about the HDS?
“Hogan Development Survey helped me to address behaviours that I had long thought of as some of my strengths as a leader. I wasn’t fully aware of the harm they caused when excessively relied upon. Since working with Phil as my coach, I have learned to temper certain aspects of my behaviours so that the effectiveness of them are not compromised.”