4 Principles for Becoming a More Resilient Leader
4 Principles for Becoming a More Resilient Leader
Resilience is the ability to cope with and successfully adapt in the face of adversity, uncertainty, or high levels of change. Think of it as a “bounce-back” factor that enables individuals and organizations to recover quickly from difficulties, setbacks, or challenging circumstances. Resilience is not necessarily an innate trait; instead, it is a skill that is developed and strengthened with practice.
Leaders have encountered struggles they never anticipated and had to take hard decisions while facing continuous transformation. To remain competitive, they must be able to adapt quickly, be proactive, and most of all possess resilience in abundance. Ultimately, you cannot develop a workforce that is resilient without resilient leadership.
Develop Psychological Safety
Resilience and psychological safety are essential components of successful leadership. Psychological safety is essential for employees to take risks and participate fully in a team. It creates an environment where individuals can tackle difficult tasks without worrying about experiencing criticism or punishment if the outcome isn’t perfect. Without it, collaboration is severely inhibited and efficiency stunted. Leaders who foster psychological safety create an environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up, voicing their opinions and sharing their ideas.
Resilient leaders also understand that their own resilience is crucial for fostering a resilient team. When senior leaders model resilience, it sends a powerful message to team members that they are supported. It encourages them to take risks and innovate in the face of difficulty. Resilient leaders have a clear understanding of the purpose of their organisation and can remain focused and motivated despite setbacks or uncertainty. They take an active role in creating a culture that builds psychological safety, communicates effectively with team members, and gives feedback regularly.
Seek Support
Resilient leaders realise that they cannot be strong all the time. They actively seek out and surround themselves with supportive people, such as mentors or coaches, who can provide advice and guidance during difficult times. Leaders should also create a network of trusted peers with whom they can share experiences and receive feedback. This will enable them to develop an objective mindset and gain insight into different perspectives.
Executive coaching is a powerful tool for developing leadership skills and resilience. Coaches provide an objective, non-judgmental space to help leaders recognize their strengths and weaknesses and work through any challenges they may be facing. Executive coaching can help leaders become better listeners, develop communication skills, gain clarity on their goals, and enhance their overall emotional intelligence. Coaches also help leaders identify their own resilience weaknesses, so they can create actionable plans to address them. Working with an executive coach offers leaders the guidance and support they need to build resilient leadership skills and lead organisations through difficult times.
“Resilient leaders take a purpose-driven approach to their work to maintain focus and stay motivated when things get tough.”
Focus on the Big Picture
Resilient leaders take a purpose-driven approach to their work to maintain focus and stay motivated when things get tough. They understand the “big picture” – where their organisation is going and how they are helping it get there. By having this clarity, resilient leaders can make informed decisions and prioritize tasks according to their organisation’s objectives. They are also better equipped to navigate difficult scenarios, as they have a clear understanding of the goal they are aiming for.
Senior leadership training can help leaders develop these purpose-driven strategies and maintain resilience during times of uncertainty. A senior leadership program can equip leaders with critical skills to manage teams effectively, respond to changing environments, and create a purpose-driven culture. Through senior leadership training, leaders can develop the knowledge and skills needed to become more resilient in their role as a senior leader.
Reflect and Assess
Resilient leadership development requires leaders to take time to reflect and assess their own performance. Resilient leaders are committed to learning from their mistakes and developing strategies for improvement. They regularly evaluate their own performance against the organisation’s objectives, identify areas of weakness, and create actionable plans for growth. This enables them to better prepare for any challenges that may arise.
An executive coaching program can play a significant role in an effective leader’s professional development. It provides structure and dedicated space for them to reflect, something that can be difficult to make time for. Including executive coaching as part of senior leadership training, can provide leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to become better prepared for any situation.
Resilient leadership requires personal and professional development, but with the right guidance and support, it is possible to become a more resilient leader. Executive coaching, senior leadership training programs, and personal relationships can all provide key resources for cultivating strong personal resilience. By taking the time to reflect on personal performance, seek out supportive people, focus on the big picture, and develop new strategies for communicating with team members, leaders can become more resilient and better equipped to lead organisations through difficult times.
For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.