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Why is Psychological Safety Important in Teams?
Why is Psychological Safety Important in Teams?
You may not realise it, but if you’re in a leadership position – or aspire to be one – then assessing your leadership skills is crucial. Think about it this way: as a leader, you’re responsible for guiding and motivating your team to achieve success. But how can you do that effectively if you’re not aware of your own strengths and weaknesses?
Fortunately, there are ways to assess your leadership skills and team management so that you can identify areas for improvement. Here’s why you should do it – and how to go about it.
Leadership is a critical skill for anyone in a management or supervisory position. But it’s not just something that managers need to be good at – everyone can benefit from honing their leadership skills. It is an important first step in leading teams training.
A leadership assessment allows you to get feedback from others on your performance. This is valuable because it can help you to identify both your strengths and weaknesses. It can help you to understand how you compare to other leaders. This benchmarking can be useful in terms of setting goals for yourself and your team. Regular assessment ensures that you’re always aware of your development needs and can take steps to improve your skills over time.
There are many different types of leadership assessment and profiling tools available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few factors to consider:
• Purpose: What do you want to use the assessment for? If you’re trying to identify potential leaders, you’ll need a different assessment than if you’re trying to improve your own leadership skills. This is particularly important in determining the type of leadership development program that may follow the initial assessment.
• Population: Who will be taking the assessment? If you’re administering it to a senior leadership team, you’ll need to choose an assessment that’s appropriate for that group. For example, if you’re assessing teenage girls, you wouldn’t use an assessment that’s designed for middle-aged men.
• Time: How much time do you have to complete the assessment? Some assessments can be completed in just a few minutes, while others may take an hour or more. Choose an assessment that fits within the time frame you have available.
Leadership assessments are a necessary part of any leader’s toolkit. Once you’ve taken a leadership assessment, it’s important to spend some time reflecting on the results. What do the results tell you about your leadership style? Are there any areas where you need to improve? How can the results be used to inform leading teams training? Once you know what needs to change and how it can be improved upon then only will achieving your desired outcome become a reality for yourself as well as others who depend upon your leadership.
For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.