Here are the first Top 3 from our featured video:
1. EYES ‘UP & OUT’
So what do I mean by ‘up and out’? Firstly, good leaders have the ability to LOOK UP – that is, BEYOND the cut and thrust of their day-to-day roles. They’re able to see things around them that others miss. And they’re able to see the risks AS WELL AS the opportunities. They do this by looking beyond their own team or area and have a good awareness of the broader organisation. They also have an idea of what’s going on outside their organisation like what their competitors are doing.
POWER TIP #1: Practice how to ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT – whether it be a particular challenge or opportunity or relationship. ZOOM OUT to see the big picture, the patterns, how it all fits together. Or what Ron Heifetz describes as ‘Broadening the Canvass’ so we can see the whole system. And conversely, ZOOM IN to be able to effectively understand what’s happening closer to the ground.
POWER TIP #2: Build time in for reflection. Create some space to think.
Leading change is complex because it demands so many different qualities and skills of a leader (these top 10 leadership skills for example!). If leaders aren’t leading change in some shape or form, then they’re probably doing an excellent job at managing the status quo. While managing ‘what-is’ is important in terms of producing high quality, reproducible results (think customer service), it is not the main game. True leadership involves MOBILISING people who are closest to the problem or opportunity and then supporting them to make the necessary changes.
Many tasked with leadership are too focussed on what’s in front of them rather than being able to think in a ‘joined up’way. Leaders need to be able to ‘see’ the whole system and understand how it operates in unison. Being savvy means being able to see how the human and mechanical systems (i.e. policies, processes, systems, and structure) work together to create a state of homeostasis – or no change. Being ‘network’ wise will become even more important.