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Finding Your Voice: The Path to Empowerment and Confidence
Finding Your Voice: The Path to Empowerment and Confidence
As we race towards the end of 2018, it is timely to reflect on the year. We have seen many challenges and change here and around the world.
During times of change, whether large scale or in our own life, it’s important to connect with what is core. This principle is equally true for organisations and ourselves in our own life.
In organisations, people are core to any business, so growing and nurturing them to be their best is critical. In 2019, we will be launching a new way to bridge the gap between classroom learning and individual online platforms. It will highlight and support the idea that leadership development is more like a quest than a one-off sugar-hit. We will continue to work with organisations and people in ‘daring them to lead’. We are excited by the possibilities.
people are core to any business, so growing and nurturing them to be their best is critical
In our personal lives, Christmas and the promise of a new year is an opportunity to get back to our own core. It is a time for reflection and renewal. It is about spending time with family and friends. It is also about being grateful for what we already have, rather than longing for what we don’t.
It is important to remember that all of us – including work colleagues, family and friends – are good at showing the world ‘our best face’. So I invite you to take the time to check-in with all the people in your life – personally and in a work context – to find out how they are really doing beyond ‘I’m fine’. Showing another human being compassion and care is a relatively simple act, yet can make a huge difference.
We wish you and your family all the very best for Christmas and the New Year and look forward to connecting with you in 2019.
Phil and the team
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