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Leadership Development

Overcoming Overwhelm: a Modern Leaders Guide

One of the biggest obstacles facing modern leaders is feeling inundated with an overwhelming amount of information, and where attaining work-life balance appears increasingly elusive, a new generation of leaders is rising to the challenge. It is a call to redefine what it means to be a successful leader and to explore a vision of leadership rooted not in anxious busyness, but in purpose, effectiveness, and wellness at work.

High Performance Teams

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The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

There’s no denying that strong leadership is critical to the success of any organisation. But what kind of leadership results in the best outcomes?

Values based leadership has been shown to be one of the most effective types of leadership, resulting in high performance in organisations. Here are some of the benefits of values based leadership:

1. It builds trust and respect

When leaders operate from a set of core values, it instils trust and respect in their team members. People know where their leader stands and what they stand for, which creates a sense of safety and security. Leadership training that helps participants to develop their leadership style in accordance with their values often results in more successful performance and longevity.

2. It drives engagement

Values based leaders are passionate about their work and their team members. This passion is contagious, resulting in a highly engaged team. Leadership development training can help leaders gain deeper insight into the values that drive them to succeed and how to leverage their own enthusiasm to engage and inspire others.

3. It fosters creativity and innovation

Because values based leaders are focused on the collective good, they create an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish. When people feel safe to take risks and experiment, they are more likely to come up with new and better ideas.

“People want to work for leaders who share their values and who will challenge them to be their best. “

4. It builds a strong culture

Values based leadership development is important for establishing a high performance culture. This culture is characterised by high standards, accountability, and a commitment to excellence. When leaders make decisions and act in  alignment with their values, their teams become empowered to do the same.

5. It attracts top talent

Organisations with strong cultures that are aligned with their values tend to attract top talent. People want to work for leaders who share their values and who will challenge them to be their best.  The best leadership courses also provide the opportunity for organisations to ensure their values are embedded into their training for new and current employees.

If you’re looking for a leadership style that will result in high performance, values based leadership is a great option. When it comes to developing leadership skills, approaching training from a values based perspective creates a personal connection to larger objectives and deeper investment in delivering high performance. By operating from a set of shared values, you can build trust and respect, drive engagement, foster creativity and innovation, build a strong culture, attract top talent, and lead your organisation to success.

About the Author: The Leadership Sphere

The Leadership Sphere helps small and medium businesses and larger organisations in Australia, in creating value through leadership. The Leadership Sphere provides a humanistic approach to the way it delivers leadership, performance and coaching services. We work with leaders and senior teams who need to gain increased clarity, build capability and ensure contribution at every level in the organisation, and enable a safe, inclusive and  high trust organisation.

The Benefits of Values Based Leadership

Leadership Development

Overcoming Overwhelm: a Modern Leaders Guide

One of the biggest obstacles facing modern leaders is feeling inundated with an overwhelming amount of information, and where attaining work-life balance appears increasingly elusive, a new generation of leaders is rising to the challenge. It is a call to redefine what it means to be a successful leader and to explore a vision of leadership rooted not in anxious busyness, but in purpose, effectiveness, and wellness at work.

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Leadership Development

Overcoming Overwhelm: a Modern Leaders Guide

One of the biggest obstacles facing modern leaders is feeling inundated with an overwhelming amount of information, and where attaining work-life balance appears increasingly elusive, a new generation of leaders is rising to the challenge. It is a call to redefine what it means to be a successful leader and to explore a vision of leadership rooted not in anxious busyness, but in purpose, effectiveness, and wellness at work.

Measuring Progress: Tracking the Results of Insight-Driven Actions

Measuring Progress: Tracking the Results of Insight-Driven…

The Path to Lasting Change: Overcoming Challenges in Sustainable Behaviour Transformation

The Path to Lasting Change: Overcoming Challenges in Sustainable…

The Sneaky Influence of Cognitive Biases on Insight Interpretation

The Sneaky Influence of Cognitive Biases on Insight Interpretation Leadership…