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Creating a Trust Based Culture within Your Team

Creating a Trust Based Culture within Your Team

A trusting culture begins with strong leadership. Leaders must be willing to set an example by being transparent and honest with their team, and must be dedicated to building trust through their actions. Trust cannot be forced; it must be earned over time through consistent behaviour. One of the advantages of executive coaching is that it can help leaders learn how to build trust within their teams. When team members know they can trust their leader, they are more likely to trust one another as well. This creates a positive feedback loop in which trust breeds more trust, leading to a more productive and cohesive team.

Factors of Trust

When measuring the levels of trust within your team, there are a number of vital factors to consider.

  1. Consistency: A leader who is inconsistent in their behaviour will quickly lose the trust of their team. Team members need to be able to count on the leader to act in a certain way, and to be reliable.
  2. Respect: When team members feel that they are respected by their leader, they are more likely to trust them. Leaders must be careful not to cross boundaries or mistreat their team members, as this will quickly erode trust.
  3. Communication: Leaders must be willing to communicate openly and honestly with their team, and ensure that everyone has a voice. This includes sharing both positive and negative news equally, and being transparent about the company’s goals and objectives. Team members who feel like they are kept in the dark will not trust their leaders.
  4. Vulnerability: Leaders must be willing to show their team that they are human and make mistakes. This vulnerability will breed respect and trust from the team. Leaders who try to appear perfect all the time will only appear fake and untrustworthy.

“Leaders who are accountable to their team will earn their trust, while leaders who shirk their responsibilities will quickly lose the trust of their team.”

How to Create a Trust Based Culture within Your Team


Accountability is key to building trust within a team. Leaders who are accountable to their team will earn their trust, while leaders who shirk their responsibilities will quickly lose the trust of their team. Senior leadership teams training should include a focus on accountability in order to create a trust based culture.


Executive coaching can help leaders to be more open and honest with their team members, which will encourage trust within the team. Through engaging in leadership coaching,  leaders become more self-aware, and to understand how their words and actions affect others. This increased awareness can allow leaders to be more transparent and honest with their team, which will create a more trusting environment.


When team members are able to work together collaboratively, they build trust in one another. By sharing their ideas and working together towards a common goal, team members learn to rely on one another. It is important when developing leadership skills training for your team that you ensure that effort is made to promote effective collaboration.

Building trust within your team can be a challenge, but it is vital for the success of the team.  A trust based culture will breed respect, communication, and collaboration, and will lead to a more productive and cohesive team. With the right leadership development, you can create a trust based culture within your team.

For more information about The Leadership Sphere and how we can help you unlock performance through leadership, by supporting your leaders at every level of the organisation with leadership development, executive coaching and high performance team programs please visit our website or call us on 1300 100 857.

Creating a Trust Based Culture within Your Team

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